Some pepole may Hesitate to buy a replica watch,and many people may do not know how about the replica watch industry.Here, will make a simple introduce about the true with the replica watches industry as a practitioner for more than 10 years experience.
Strong search needs and desire to buy
15-30% of internet searches on watches involve people looking for replicas.base the photo you can see,If you search "replica watches",there are 8950,000 thresults,It was mearn there are 8950k pages about the replica watches,it was such a hot topic.
Working closely with customs officials in major markets, the luxury industry does play a large part in the successful seizure of fake goods. Though, very many still make it through to market. It is just too difficult to catch them all. As the watch industry pours more money into marketing their goods all over the world, awareness of their products increase and thus demand. Having said that, by nature, luxury goods are just that and can be priced outside of what most people can afford.
The replica watch industry is a natural tangent of a market for items that are outside of the realm of affordability for most people. It has been that way for literally thousands of years as currency was among the first types of things that were faked. Fake watches exist to satisfy the desires of people who cannot afford "the real thing" but want to portray the same status symbols as those who can.
Walk down specific streets in major cities such as New York, Hong Kong, and Tokyo to find known "fake districts" where everything from replica sunglasses to timepieces are peddled to consumers looking to find them. Many people seem to be worried that they will somehow receive a fake watch when buying from a legitimate store or retailer. The odds of this are very slim. Fake watches are found in places where you expect to find a fake watch. Replica watches sold through more legitimate streams are relatively rare. If you are buying a watch via a kiosk on the street for $200, then you expect it to be fake.
Diversified demand and abundant supply
Who will buy replica watches:
many people have many different needs to buy a replica watches.
1,some people want to own a luxury watch but can not afford the watches aways priced high but not every one can buy them.
2,some watch collector want to own some limited edtion watches,But he can not buy a real one.replica watches have many customers want to buy the limited edtion watches.
3,some other industy need a watch for a photo.such like A photo studio, a magazine, a film production company, or some just for clothing.
What kind replica watches we can buy:
We can buy replica watches from many place,"fake districts" was one way,and as i know almost all the "fake districts" watches are from China,and the best choice to buy a replica watches was from a online site,such as,Direct shipment from Chinese factories,and almost all luxury brands watches was supply.
Ok,let's come back to what kind replica watches we can buy,replica watches have many grade:
1,cheap fake,may cost under $80,you can find on aliexpress,seems not very same,and poor quality,all cheap quartz,most you can see was Rolex.
2,AA replica watches,price around $89-100 look almost same,but not a good quality,may automatic or quartz.
3,AAA quality,Price about $100-$200,was look same and almost same weight,function was work fine,Movement was automatic or quartz base on the function need.
4,Swiss ETA movement grade,case was same as the AAA grade model,but use the Swiss ETA movement can work perfect,some was waterproof.the Price of Swiss ETA grade was about $280-600.
Over all,the replica watches was the true needs for some people,we know it was Illegal,But on this worlds,where have the needs,where have the supply.Hope all people can buy a right watch you like,and happy Chinese New year!鸡年吉祥!